You will learn german with authentic texts and in communicative situations 您利用原版文章,在一个交流互动的环境里学习德语。
Authentic texts of buddhism were discovered by hodgson in 1821 while living in nepal 霍奇森在尼泊尔生活,他于1821年发现了佛教的真经。
Practice in using synonyms and near synonyms in inauthentic and then authentic texts 先在不真实篇章,然后在真实篇章中练习运用同义词和近义词。
In this activity students read an authentic text in detail and answer questions on the main points 在此项练习中,学生先仔细阅读一篇文章,然后回答一些有关于要点的问题。
The kleines deutsches sprachdiplom demonstrates that you have a solid command of standard german as spoken and understood across the country . you understand difficult authentic texts primarily literary texts and can express yourself well orally and in writing 您已能看的明白所有水准很高和很自我大部份是文学的德文文章,能完全行动自如地讲和写德文。
The kleines deutsches sprachdiplom demonstrates that you have a solid command of standard german as spoken and understood across the country . you understand difficult authentic texts ( primarily literary texts ) and can express yourself well orally and in writing 您已能看的明白所有水准很高和很自我(大部份是文学)的德文文章,能完全行动自如地讲和写德文。这张文凭的德文程度相当于zop ( zentraleoberstufepr fung )